Headline Writer Makes Feeble Attempts At Humor (Chapter One)

To start right out, I owe Kalin Krohe a tremendous apology. Kalin, as News Director, churns out an inconceivable amount of content for our company’s website, panhandlepost.com. Kalin frequently seeks my counsel on stories he’s working on; headlines are often discussed. My mantra to Herr Pressheim is “Headlines should be short! Snappy! Word economy lad, … Continue reading Headline Writer Makes Feeble Attempts At Humor (Chapter One)

The Carhenge Rap

In 2017, Nebraska celebrated its susque–sesqua–150th birthday. And those marvelous Main Street Players did what was, for us, a very ambitious play taking audience members through 150 years of Box Butte County history in under two hours. Our director, Elaine Connelly Bleisch, wanted to spotlight the building of Carhenge, and surrounding controversy, with a rap … Continue reading The Carhenge Rap