On The Bookshelf: The Joe Besser Story, Available in Hardcover and “Not So Ha-a-a-rd” Cover

This is one of my favorite random “SImpsons” bits: Of course, the actual “very late Three Stooges” shorts…the final batch produced at Columbia Pictures in 1955 and 1956, featured Larry, Moe, and Joe Besser. I just finished a pretty lengthy autobiography that, in its initial printing in the early 80s was called “Not Just A … Continue reading On The Bookshelf: The Joe Besser Story, Available in Hardcover and “Not So Ha-a-a-rd” Cover

The Benny Zone

Yes, this is another blog post shamelessly promoting my internet radio creations with Dangerous Dave Kuskie. Our newest series, “Tales From The Inner Sanctum”, is our version of an anthology series. “Twilight Zone”, “Night Gallery”, and so forth. The Inner Sanctum is a massive structure of which Dave and I have somehow possessed ownership. The … Continue reading The Benny Zone

146 Pounds.

I visited my doctor last week. My reasons for visiting him were that my ears were clogged. I had been taking ear drops, none too successfully. I decided it was time for the nuclear option, which is an ear wash. They spray water directly into your ear and de-waxify you. It’s unpleasant but effective. While … Continue reading 146 Pounds.