Ladies And Gentlemen…The Weekend (Blog Post)

I hope you had a marvelous Thanksgiving! Mine was typically quiet, spent hosting Thanksgivng programming at Radio City, then heading home to enjoy a Black Friday vaca day. PBS had a marvelous Christmas special on Thanksgiving night (I admire their restraint–CBS yet again aired “Rudolph” three full days before Turkey Day, the scoundrels). The special … Continue reading Ladies And Gentlemen…The Weekend (Blog Post)

Happy Days Epics: “Babysitting”/”Turn Around…And You’re Home”

This “Happy Days Epics” is dedicated to the memory of Gavan O’Herlihy, who recently passed away at age 70. O’Herlihy was one of two actors to play the character of Chuck Cunningham. oldest of the three Cunningham kids. The Chuck character stopped appearing when the series changed from a single camera to multi-camera “in front … Continue reading Happy Days Epics: “Babysitting”/”Turn Around…And You’re Home”

Things I Am Enjoying

It has been ages since i wrote a blog post. And since I’m paying good money for this domain name, I shouldn’t let that happen too often. But there have been many things competing for my attention with the blank white screen of my WordPress template. So I figured I’d tell you what I’m enjoying–what’s … Continue reading Things I Am Enjoying

BOOK REVIEW: “The Warmup Guy”

Since 1996 or thereabouts I have attended a mess of television show tapings. “Late Night With Conan O’Brien”, “Donahue”, “Sally Jesse Raphael”, “The Price Is Right”, “Late Show With David Letterman”, “The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson”, “Family Feud”, “The Arsenio Hall Show” (reboot) and “Jimmy Kimmel Live”. I might be missing one or … Continue reading BOOK REVIEW: “The Warmup Guy”

Saturday Ramblings

Multiple topics in one blog post. Try not to get the bends. ______________ Let me tell you something about my job. I love it. I look forward to walking out my front door–even when it’s raining or snowing or otherwise bad weathering–and making my way to Radio City in Alliance, home of KCOW and beloved … Continue reading Saturday Ramblings


This series of articles is about broadcasters. A broadcaster is a versatile, sharp-minded talent with the gift of gab and the ability to spontaneously deliver entertainment and information. Broadcasters can often be identified by the breadth of their work–Hugh Downs, for example, hosted serious news programs like “Today” and “20/20”; served as Jack Paar’s “Tonight … Continue reading FORGOTTEN ICONS OF BROADCASTING: Bud Collyer