
Today I happened to chat with Tim Garwood, brother of former KCOW General Manager Mike Garwood. Tim told me about a day in 1998 when his brother Mike told him, “Well, I’ve never hired someone on just a telephone interview, but I guess I’m gonna do it now.” The someone was me. I’d never heard … Continue reading Fifty!

Wentyworld (Syndication Title: Jason Wentworth, Family Blogger)

This is an extremely, weirdly specific article. This weekend has got me thinking about real world adult-type problems, so I’m giving myself a distraction. So ever since the 1950s, prime-time network series would look to a certain goal: Be popular and stay high in the ratings long enough to make 100 episodes or thereabouts. With … Continue reading Wentyworld (Syndication Title: Jason Wentworth, Family Blogger)


Here is is, my week of emotions. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll be glad you don’t live in the apartment under mine. Anxiety. At the beginning of this week, I noticed the carpet in my bathroom, in front of my tub, was damp. I contacted the property owner. The maintenance man, with a plumber, worked … Continue reading Emotions!

Wenty’s Top Christmas Specials Volume 2 (“Whoops! All Christmas Carols” Edition)

Boy, that Charles Dickens didn’t a have a clue what he had unleashed upon the world. There have been, oh, let’s say, 487, 211 film and television adaptations of “A Christmas Carol.” Here are 5 I like. Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol If artistic and musical quality were the only qualifiers, “Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol” would … Continue reading Wenty’s Top Christmas Specials Volume 2 (“Whoops! All Christmas Carols” Edition)