How Sweet It Is!

MPI Home Video is my favorite company where DVDs are concerned. They get that designation by default for releasing not one, not two, but three different Perry Como television shows. (I’d hope for more but that seems piggish, considering that I can’t imagine a combined sales figure of more than 27 copies for the three.) … Continue reading How Sweet It Is!

On The Bookshelf: The Joe Besser Story, Available in Hardcover and “Not So Ha-a-a-rd” Cover

This is one of my favorite random “SImpsons” bits: Of course, the actual “very late Three Stooges” shorts…the final batch produced at Columbia Pictures in 1955 and 1956, featured Larry, Moe, and Joe Besser. I just finished a pretty lengthy autobiography that, in its initial printing in the early 80s was called “Not Just A … Continue reading On The Bookshelf: The Joe Besser Story, Available in Hardcover and “Not So Ha-a-a-rd” Cover

Wentyworld (Syndication Title: Jason Wentworth, Family Blogger)

This is an extremely, weirdly specific article. This weekend has got me thinking about real world adult-type problems, so I’m giving myself a distraction. So ever since the 1950s, prime-time network series would look to a certain goal: Be popular and stay high in the ratings long enough to make 100 episodes or thereabouts. With … Continue reading Wentyworld (Syndication Title: Jason Wentworth, Family Blogger)

Wenty’s Top Christmas Specials Volume 2 (“Whoops! All Christmas Carols” Edition)

Boy, that Charles Dickens didn’t a have a clue what he had unleashed upon the world. There have been, oh, let’s say, 487, 211 film and television adaptations of “A Christmas Carol.” Here are 5 I like. Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol If artistic and musical quality were the only qualifiers, “Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol” would … Continue reading Wenty’s Top Christmas Specials Volume 2 (“Whoops! All Christmas Carols” Edition)

Ladies And Gentlemen…The Weekend (Blog Post)

I hope you had a marvelous Thanksgiving! Mine was typically quiet, spent hosting Thanksgivng programming at Radio City, then heading home to enjoy a Black Friday vaca day. PBS had a marvelous Christmas special on Thanksgiving night (I admire their restraint–CBS yet again aired “Rudolph” three full days before Turkey Day, the scoundrels). The special … Continue reading Ladies And Gentlemen…The Weekend (Blog Post)