Happy Days Epics: “Fonzie Loves Pinky” Parts 1 & 2

To start its 4th season–the 2nd season as a (usually) multicamera sitcom– “Happy Days” presented an epic 2-part saga involving a possibly long-term romantic interest for The Fonz, almost certain promotion to Grand Poobah of the Leopard Lodge for Mr. C, and that great American tradition: The demolition derby. (Rerun watchers would consider “Fonzie Loves … Continue reading Happy Days Epics: “Fonzie Loves Pinky” Parts 1 & 2

Happy Days Epics: “Fearless Fonzarelli” Parts 1 & 2

I love “Happy Days.” It is an incredibly uneven sitcom that I enjoy because of, and in spite of, the wildly varying tone from episode to episode. The foundation of the series was the Cunningham family–occasionally frisky parents Howard and Marion, son RIchie, daughter Joanie and sometimes-son Chuck. Richie’s friend Potsie was there from the … Continue reading Happy Days Epics: “Fearless Fonzarelli” Parts 1 & 2