The Replacements

Tonight, Pat Sajak hosts his final episode of “Wheel Of Fortune”. His farewell remarks have been all over Facebook today but I’m trying to avoid them….I want to see the final episode in its entirety. Pat Sajak’s dry humor will be sorely missed…he was a perfect match for this game. And yet, there was a … Continue reading The Replacements

Vacation Tribulation

I take great pride in my ability to have fun on vacations despite my long list of problems and catastrophes while traveling. For example! My sister Joey Bean and I went to L.A. In a fit of shenanigans, I started jumping on the hotel room bed…and promptly fell off and laded on my hand. I … Continue reading Vacation Tribulation

Jingles Work!

I was talking on the ol’ Facebook with my old childhood chum Paisley Park. (That is not her real name, but since that’s how she prefers to be named on Facebook, that’s how I identify her here.) I posted a photo of me with Chuck McCann, a comic actor who did a series of Right … Continue reading Jingles Work!