50 years ago this weekend, “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” premiered on CBS. My Facebook feed is clogged with tribute articles that all repeat the same factoids, like how Mary Richards was originally going to be a divorcee but CBS thought viewers would believe she left Rob Petrie. Classic episodes are recalled, like “Chuckles Bites The Dust”, Mary’s many failed parties, the iconic finale and more.
I remember my Mom watching late-night reruns of “MTM” on a Utica TV station which came in a bit fuzzy on our set. But I didn’t discover the show until it landed on Nick at Nite in the early 90’s.
I became a huge fan of the show, and began to think of my own humble career goals while watching Mary deal with the exciting world of broadcasting.
I remember marking 7 years at KCOW and thinking, “Well, this is it. I’ve lasted longer than Mary did at WJM.”
Then, several years later, when some staff reductions happened at our operation, I felt like Ted Baxter:
Some of the most competent people in the office were leaving, and I somehow remained. I felt guilty. But TV shows are TV shows, and real life is real life. Nobody in broadcasting is as incompetent and dull as Ted Baxter. Okay, maybe one or two.
But life went on, and now after 22 years in broadcasting, I can say “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” did train me for some of my experiences. Co-worker relations, trying things on-air that don’t work, dealing with unique personalities, covering news stories at any hour…and speaking up for what I believe in on those exceedingly rare occasions when I feel unheard.
I think my favorite episode might be “Put On A Happy Face.” Because no matter how much you love your job (and I love mine!), there are days when the cup is cracked, you throw out the wrong folder, you injure yourself…
And hey! Did you know that the camera coordinator on MTM:

..is the same Don Bustany who, with Casey Kasem, co-created “American Top 40”? It’s true!
“Is Don on the phone?” -Casey Kasem
Oh, and we’ll dedicate this to the commenters on certain social media pages: