Wentyworld.com continuing coverage of Salad Week 2020 rolls on with the video of today’s salad selection!
(Our waitress razzed me by pointing out that I have had like 20 years to try Dorothy Lynch dressing. Which, I can’t deny that. After all that wait, it was as not-great as I expected.)
According to Parade magazine (noted authority on comedically large dog comic strips, Mensa members and Haggar slacks promotional offers), America’s favorite salad dressing is ranch. And I can see why! It’s kind of an all-purpose condiment. Salad dressing, dipping sauce, refreshing beverage (if your name is Kalin Krohe)…as noted in the vid my go-to salad dressing is Italian but I’m never gonna be able to dip a carrot stick in it. For that you need ranch.
#2 is blue cheese which–and it’s only Tuesday and this is coming up way too much already–I will not eat. It falls in the category of “things made from spoiled milk or spoiled cheese, or that APPEAR to be made from spoiled milk or spoiled cheese.” Offenders include yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, and…yes..blue cheese. It’s got MOLD on it for cripes sake!
Italian is down the list somewhere as is viniagrette. You know what salad dressing I miss? Creamy cucumber!

What’s your favorite salad dressing? Which one do you think is overrated?! Share your salad opinions in the comments section!