I take great pride in my ability to have fun on vacations despite my long list of problems and catastrophes while traveling.
For example! My sister Joey Bean and I went to L.A. In a fit of shenanigans, I started jumping on the hotel room bed…and promptly fell off and laded on my hand. I had to go to a clinic….my hand hurt like hell…everything is insanely expensive in Los Angeles…BUT WE STILL HAD FUN!

Or what about my trip to the D23 Expo in Anaheim, which is a Disney fan festival? In attempting to step over a bench to get to the ticket lne I tripped, fell on my face on the concrete, got a bloody nose, black eye and broke my eyeglasses! My whole face hurt for days…I had to spend a day of my vacation at Lenscrafters…BUT I STILL HAD FUN!

And then there’s my trip to Chicago in 2021…whle waiting for an Uber, absent-mindedly glancing at the phone to double-check the license plate number…I walked off the curb and fell to the ground, twisting the hell out of my wrist. My wrist hurt for days…BUT BY GOD, I STILL HAD FUN!

The newest such vacation kerfuffle was my trip to Las Vegas just one week ago. Before leaving Alliance I noticed that a filling in one of my teeth was a little….wobbly, for lack of a medically appropriate term. “Bah! It’ll be fine for a few days,” I stupidly told myself. Within 24 hours of arrival in Sin City my filling bailed out. It happened in the middle of the night..I woke up feeling something flopping around in my mouth. (Make up your own joke.)
So I spent a week in Vegas with a tooth with a hole in it large enough to store at least one peanut M & M. I ate nothing but pancakes and noodles…BUT BY GOD I HAD FUN! (Some of you may be saying, “Hey Wenty! Why didn’t you take a day from your trip to go to a dentist in Las Vegas?” You people are no longer my friends.)
Anyway, I really did have fun in Vegas. And all of the above trips. But just to be clear. I have taken many–MANY vacations without any problem, major or minor. My fridge has the evidence: