Mercy! It has been a dog’s age since I’ve written something for ye olde blogge. Do I have a legitimate excuse? No. Do I have completely fraudulent excuses? Of course!
-It is too hot to think.
-My laptop came down with vapor lock.
-I’ve been too busy planning my run for the presidency. I’m planning to run on the Surprise Party. It worked for Gracie Allen!
-I am binge watching all the 90-minute episodes of “SCTV.” Okay, this one is true. Here, check out a classic SCTV bit:
So, here’s a look at my summer thus far.
In May, my pal Dustin Harris and I met up in Nashville Tennessee for a spectacular vacation. We saw Devo at the historic Ryman Auditorium…we saw a fantastic lineup of country stars at the Grand Ole Opry…and we tried two diferent kinds of Nashville Hot Chicken. One of them was way too hot for me, and the other was just right. (The other place offered a mild version.)

In June, I was radioing it up at the Thunder On The Prairie Rod Run…a favorite annual event. Also: I attended the retirement party for my former co-worker John Axtell. There were lots of folks wishing him well, including former KCOW-ers Mike Glesinger and Kevin Horn.
July has been quite eventful thus far…Kalin Krohe and I are once again the masters of ceremony for Alliance’s street concert series, Bands On The Bricks:

On July 12th my pal Dangerous Dave and I attended an amazing concert at Coors FIeld with the piano man himself, Billy Joel…
Heritage Days was…well, just fine. I’m still kicking myself that I didn’t walk away from the music to go on a couple of rides…there is, as they say, always next year.
August is shaping up to be quite a blockbuster. We’ll be radioing at the Box Butte County Fair….I’m heading home to see my family for a few days….aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, well, one thing I’m very excited about but can’t discuss at the moment. Here are four things it isn’t:
-I’m getting married to my childhood sweetheart
-I’m buying the entire state of Iowa on Ebay
-I’m shaving Kalin Krohe’s head
-I’m changing KCOW’s format to all-Irish jigs.
Oh! Two other things I wanted to share with you.
One, I have started a new podcast series on Panhandle Post called “Panhandle Profiles”. The latest one features my favorite retired shoe salesman.
Two, “Wentyworld: The Book” is still a thing! Estimated publishing date: November of 2024, just in time for the holiday season.