No Wire Hangers…Ever!

I read an interesting book today called “With Love, Mommie Dearest” by A. Ashley Hoff. It’s about the creation and legacy of the motion picture “Mommie Dearest.” “Mommie Dearest”, if you aren’t familiar, is a movie based on a book written by screen actress Joan Crawford’s adopted daughter Christina. Joan Crawford, you see, was….nuts. She … Continue reading No Wire Hangers…Ever!

Random Blatherings

Mercy! It has been a dog’s age since I’ve written something for ye olde blogge. Do I have a legitimate excuse? No. Do I have completely fraudulent excuses? Of course! -It is too hot to think.-My laptop came down with vapor lock.-I’ve been too busy planning my run for the presidency. I’m planning to run … Continue reading Random Blatherings