In the last five years, I have written over three hundred posts on this here blog. Three hundred! And maybe 20 or 30 of them are worthy of being something besides a bunch of 0s and 1s on a website.
WIth that in mind, I have taken the initial steps to publish a book which will contain some of the essays, short fiction and editorials that don’t stink. I am very excited about this, and I think my mother would be over the moon about it. She always encouraged me in my writing.
I draw inspiration for my literary pursuits from my pal Pat Adriance’s father, John Adriance. Mr. A has written and self-published three books. I am using the same self-publishing company he uses. What I am not doing is writing a full-length book. I don’t have the discipline for that. (25 years of writing everything to a 30-second length will do that to you.) But I think my book will be no less entertaining, with a variety of short pieces–making it ideal “airport reading”. (Which is the classier way to say “bathroom reading”.)

One of the things I am most excited about regarding “Wentyworld: The Book!” is that the aforementioned Pat Adriance will be providing humorous (and likely humiliating) illustrations. Pat has had lots of experience in this department:

In selecting pieces for the book I have done some editing here and there, mostly to replace videos and photos with text. I have also written a new introduction–and I’ll probably add one or two new pieces by the time it’s all done. After all, I have to offer something you can’t get on the blog!
Between now and the book’s release I may come up with a better title. “Wentyworld: The Book!” does not exactly thrill me. So here are some other ideas:
“Every Blog Has Its Day”
“That Boy Ain’t Write”
“A Good Book” (Not To Be Confused With The Good Book, which has much more sin and much less commentary on old TV shows)
“Author’s Theme (Best That Wenty Can Do)”
Hmmm….maybe “Wentyworld: The Book!” isn’t so bad after all.