This is the first day of “wrestling week”–not WWE wrestling, but state high school wrestling finals. It’s a busy week for all 3 of the Alliance radio musketeers, particularly for Gles who makes the trip eastward. But Kalin and I too will have some long days Thursday and Friday and (one hopes!) Saturday.
So it was appropriate that the week start with a long day. I had a long lunch in which I got a haircut…posting that “glasses” article last week (and all the awful-hair photos accompanying it) made me even antsier to get my noggin buzzed. Then, at the end of the day, we had an Alliance girl scout troop visit to record some public service announcements about the dangers of tobacco use, particularly parents smoking around their children. This as you might imagine is a concern near and dear to my heart; when I was a kid everybody smoked, and my Mom almost paid for her habit with her life.
The kids came in with four concepts and we picked two to produce. There were some great kids and parents willing to step up and voice parts in the PSAs, and they relied on my expertise (such as it is) in matters of editing, minor rewrites, etc. The truth is I didn’t need to do much of anything except play traffic cop and meatball surgeon with the audio. They did a phenomenal job and I can’t wait for everyone to hear these spots on KCOW and our other radio stations.
Pop culture barometer: the 5th grade girl scouts did not know who Davy Jones of the Monkees was, but they were able to identify my Pez dispensers as Tom and Jerry. There is hope for the future.
(That little string of asterisks means I’m about to change subjects. Larry King, we salute you!)
Do you ever look at old pictures and become genuinely stunned at how much you’ve aged? Now, I’m not old. I’m 48, so…middle-aged? But man, oh man do some pictures make me feel old! Like this little number:

This photo was taken at a farewell barbecue for three of our part-time student announcers at KCOW. The barbecue was in summer of 2007, making the photo 13 years old. Now I don’t know exactly what it is about this photo but it is 187% of 13 years old.

Of course, things can always be worse. Johnny Carson’s hair went from black to white in 13 years:

But seriously…that part-timers barbecue photo is haunting me today…I mean, I’m not saying I should look like I’m the young, fresh-faced kid who came to KCOW at age 26. But man, would I settle for a not-old, somewhat-fresh-faced 35.
There is one other thing that I notice about that particular photo. I see my Mama Mary in some pictures of me. That one for sure.

I am getting ready to go to the Brewery for a stand-up show with Herr Kroheim. A fitting end to a long day. (No, I won’t be drinking anything stronger than a Coke. It’s a school night.)