Tales Of Twitch: Part 13 Etc.

7 thoughts on “Tales Of Twitch: Part 13 Etc.”

  1. This was the follow up hit to, “Don’t you (forget about me)” Damn it Wentworth get it together! Glad things are looking up medically 🙂

    1. See, I think if I had a couple more minutes it would have rolled around. : D But yeah, I felt pretty stupid not getting that one!

  2. Hey wow…..this is the best news ever….Bill and I are happy for you Jason….Continue with your health improvements…we want to keep you around🤗🤗🤗🤗Congrats!

  3. That is really great news Jason. We need to get together for a coke, or a beer, or a healthy salad, ain’t no such thing as a healthy salad, so coke and a beer. 😅

    1. I’m on board old pal o’mine! Thanks for the kind words…it will make it difficult to call you a jackass again. Difficult….but not impossible! : D

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