A small update today. When I was in the hospital a couple weeks ago with my upper respiratory infection, the medical team indicated some concerns about my heart. Today I went in for an electro-cardiogram.
The fellow who gave me the test was named Ward. He was a straightforward, no-nonsense gent who reminded me of Joe Friday from “Dragnet.”

“The test we’re doing today is an electrocardiogram. I use a scope to view your heart. It takes around 15 minutes. It’s painless.”
So I took off my shirt (sorry for that mental image) and laid down on the bed. Like the ultrasound I had earlier this year, this involved some kind of goo which got slathered on my person. 15 minutes later, it was all done. I asked Ward, “You see anything going on there?” He replied, “Nothing too dramatic.” From his lips to God’s ears…I’ve already got enough medical drama in my life.
On our way out, I commented, “I haven’t met too many people named Ward.”
Ward: “Neither have I.”
Me: “Maybe, like the Beaver’s Dad.”

Ward: “Sure, sure…or Ward Bond.”

Any doctor who makes a Ward Bond reference is A-OK in my book.
One final note: 9 days ago I walked into work and just barely made it. Today, for the first time since then, I made the walk again (going home from the office). I was slightly winded by the end but nowhere near the end-of-days, last-dance, panting, wheezing affair of last time. PROGRESS!
So tomorrow, I’m gonna walk into work. And hopefully the day after, and so on and so forth. Walking is good for me and it’s a good measure of my overall physical condition.